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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A New Member of The Society Premiers

Oooh. I was reading the notes for this weeks installment of Sonic Society, and can't wait to hear "The Shadow Man". I just listened to the teaser, and yeah, definitely want to hear more!

Hehe.. my Tuesday listening date Dave's reaction when I linked him to the teaser:

Danielle: Tuesday's show
Dave: thats neat and we'll have a date \;D/

Danielle: yes, for what I can swing... LOL

Dave: I hear ya

Dave: jobs and parenting
Danielle: I actually look forward to it becoming 4 hour difference again, it's easier for me to work with at 5 vs. 6

Danielle: I mean, you can always grab the archive, but it's not the same as live

Dave: absolutley


Dave: WOW

Dave: holy shit

Dave: wow thats neat
Dave: tuesday eh?

Danielle: yup

Dave: :-)
Danielle: you are helping me with my blog entry about the show without even knowing it ;-)

So see, if two addicts are excited, YOU should be too! Though if you can't listen Tuesday, keep your eyes open for the podcast! Of course, if you are subscribed, half the battle is won!


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