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Sunday, January 29, 2006

New website offering FREE audiobooks

Ooh. Now THIS was a find. The authors of "Podcasting for Dummies" have created a website featuring FREE serialized audio books- and FREE of digital rights management. All authors featured on the site have given their permission, and have their own rights to their work.

"All the files you find here on are and will remain DRM free, if for no other reason than this: we want you to be able to enjoy and share the files forever, and to be able to share them with others," notes the Podiobooker blog. "Our model for success does not assume everyone downloading and sharing files are criminals, nor are we hanging our hats on single-unit sales of anything. Share and enjoy!"

I noticed that Paul Story's book "Tom Corven" is there- I first learned about this author from The Small World Podcast, and it's a great book! There is also a section for publishing your own audiobook on the site- heads up writers!

~drool~ So much to listen to... so little time....


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