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Sunday, January 29, 2006

More goodies! New teasers from DRE

Jonithan Russell and the gang at Dream Realm Enterprises have been working their collective boo-tays off to get some awesome new shows out for our listening pleasure. The first being a new episode of their Dr. Who series.
You know, I keep denying that I'm a sci-fi fan... yet I'm starting to think I'm as big of a hypocrite about that as most politicians are about their talking points. ;-)

Listen to the "War Torn" Trailer

Also, a teaser is out for something that is RIGHT up my alley! Shadows and darkness, a tickle from the hairs on the back of your neck standing, and mysterious night creatures...

Listen to the "Soleil" Teaser

You can get more information on these and other excellent shows coming our way by DRE at their main site!


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