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Friday, September 28, 2007

Expo Day 1: The Arrival

Oy.. I'm so tired I am going to tell you about my day in timeline form:

12:00pm: Boarded the plane to Ontario, met by fellow podcaster Barely, who is a wonderful contributer to many episodes of my podcast. And I just love his laugh!

1:15: landed in Ontario, only to wait over an hour for a shuttle. Who'dathunk you were supposed to call from the phone in the airport for shuttle service? Not us dorks! Ended up sticking around a bit longer, since by then Aaron of The Big Show had landed.

3:15: Arrive at Marriott. Realized I was sharing a shuttle with Dr. Dave of Shrink Rap Radio. Charles Cadenhead arrived way before us because he was smart enough to call from the airport for a shuttle.

3:40: Chris Moody of Podiomedia Chat calls and says everyone is waiting on me. I go down to lobby and yes, everyone is waiting on me. Walk across the street to catch the tail end of Podcamp SoCal.

4:00: back to Marriott, with Andy and Mignon in tow.

4:15- 11:30: whirwind of podcasters, food, drink, and Tee Morris raspberry-ing me on the neck. Crazy stuff I tell you- CRAZY! Great weather, group of us sat outside later that night and just chatted, and twittered. Jason Tucker and I decided to meet at the hotel gym 7am.

So I guess I'd better rest up. Also have a panel on women in podcasting at noon!

You can instantly see what I'm doing at any point this weekend (for those hardcore voyeur-types) on my Twitter page!

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