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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another Monster-ous Tuesday

...but in a good way! Tonight on Sonic Society they are re-visiting their friends at Willamette Radio Workshop, and we will listen to their adaptation of the classic Frankenstein tale.

After, we get to hear the second half of the interview with Sam Mowry. The interviews Jack has with everyone are great conversations and really nothing like a conventional interview at all- so make sure you tune in to that!

As always, I will let you know when the podcast is up as well! But until then, tune into CKDU tonight at 8pm eastern to listen!

UPDATE: Podcast up! Sorry it took so long for me to get to this, having one of those weeks I'm just glad are over, hehe. I've got plenty of things bookmarked to blog about when I get a free hour or two... yikes! You shall all hear from me soon! (Whether that is good or not, I leave up to you...)

Podcast link here

Show Notes:

1 comment:

SamA said...

Thanks for the plug. I had such a great time chatting with Jack. I hope you all enjoy the interview. Cindy's Frankenstein is really a high mark of our type of production.