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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Got my Shadowlands fix...

Oohhhhh.... I just love that play, "Right Number, Wrong Party". Though now I always have Colin Farrell in my head because the first time I ever heard this play, I had just seen the movie "Phone Booth".

Of course, regular readers also know that I most likely always have Colin Farrell in my head. But that's just me. I'm so bad. ;-)

We're in the middle of tonight's Sonic Society, and I've got TWO dates this evening... WoooT! If you want to hear a really good whodunit with a totally unexpected twist at the end, catch the archive of the show.. punch in the times from 21:00- 22:30...

The Montage Theatre sketch I'm listening to now is pretty hilarious... thinking meat...LOL!

The radio station is also having a FUNDING DRIVE- so if you're listening and you likey what you hear, drop a few bucks their way. I did. :-)

Back to listening, Robotz is starting soon!


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