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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The episode so good they had to play it twice!

As previously mentioned, I once again had to grab the archive of last night's show and play catch-up. This certainly has its advantages. One thing, I'm not chained to my computer listening, and free to roam around talking to myself as I work through the story. (Which gets me looks, which I thought at first were because I'm such a hottie, then I realized I was wearing earphones and talking to myself. Whatever.)

Second- I can fast forward through commercials! Woot-woot!

Thirdly, I have proven that I am indeed an addict because as I uploaded this week's episode to the Evil Pod of Pleasure, I noticed I have like 10 episodes in there. The sky is the limit guys when you make it to someone's iPod! ;-)

Listening to "Deep, Deep is My Love", all I kept thinking was about the movie "Airplane". Seriously, I could SO hear Steve McCrosky at the end when he realized what he had done:

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to start deep sea diving."

Steve McCroskey: "Get me someone who won't crack under pressure."

This wonderful and very useful tool known as fast-forward also came in handy as I was listening to the second story, "Drive-In", and realized I was listening to the SAME EPISODE OF SUSPENSE AGAIN! Was this an archival mistake? Hmm....

What's REALLLLY funny (well to me) is that I was actually waiting in a drive-through line for a diet coke with vanilla slush-like drink while listening to this story!

So, although most of the readers have closed their browser or gone elsewhere by now, I will continue. While waiting for my daughter to finish up a class, I was able to listen to the remainder of the show. "Attack of the Giant Leeches"- OMFG you want to talk about looks from others! My other daughter kept shushing me.

"Mom!" she would hiss. "You're embarrassing me!!!"

I couldn't help it. "Dammit!"


"I'll go make coffee"

I was sent to a corner to finish out the show where I wouldn't be an embarrassment to anyone under 10.

I do need to clear up one small mis-understanding. It is assumed that my favorite Shadowlands story is Biff Straker. To those who have come to know and love my blog, you will see this is not the case.

Biff is fellow addict Dave's favorite. I am in agreement with your friend and guest for the evening, Mr. Jeff Brown. "The Hitchhiker" is indeed my favorite, though not at all my favorite sin.

And I'm not just saying that because I'm a sucker for a guy who will figuratively throw roses my way over the airwaves....


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