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Sunday, August 14, 2005

The addict's playlist over the weekend

I was out of town this weekend, one last hurrah with the family before the kiddos go back to school TOMORROW! Up to a little cabin in the woods, that has been in Mr. Addict's family for 25 years now.

So, away from civilization we went, so I made sure to make sure I had the 'ol iPod with me (affectionately named "The Evil Pod Of Pleasure"), to keep me company during the two nights that I knew I would not be sleeping, and not able to read because of sharing close quarters with my squirmy mini-addicts-in-training. :-)

I found a couple of Suspense episodes from an episode of Shadowlands WAYYY back in January. Then I remembered I saved one from May because they played an old Abbot and Costello bit with my favorite screwy wabbit (like I have many rabbits I call favorite or something? Yes that is me, rabbit whore.) I picked that gif because that is exactly how I feel after a fairly sleepless weekend. Blah.

Of course I had to top it off with my absolute FAVORITE deadly sin... though only in the Shadowlands.. as I have a much better time with other sins to be worried about that particular one. ;-) Oh it was SO much fun to listen in the pitch black cabin with absolutely no other sounds in the background and not knowing what might be lurking outside my window... I know I know, I read too many scary stories!

So, what is in store for us this Tuesday? Well, I have NO IDEA!!! (There is the official cyber-kick in the butt to the host).

Now off to sleep in my nice, un-lumpy bed, with the comforting hum of electricity buzzing around me... I'm so not a country-girl!


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