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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Well, hello there!

I know, I know. It's been a few weeks. This is what happens when you take on challenges. I've been participating in NaPodPoMo this month- and posting a podcast every single day. Now, when you throw in company for almost two weeks, and a holiday, things get sticky. I'm certainly not proud of the audio quality in a few of these days, but I am very proud that I've been able to post a show daily. I do wish they would have broken away from November though. I mean, the writers and the bloggers and the video bloggers all do this in November. Podcasters should have stood out from the rest!

Anyway, because of that, as you might have noticed, this place has been rather neglected. I do apologize! Though, it's not the only reason. Things just keep happening to me on my end, and I become more and more thinly spread. Now a semi-regular gig with my local newspaper is once again keeping me from letting the addict out to play. I've also got some new family obligations as well, keeping me away from the internets in general. Funny how life can change direction at the drop of a hat, eh?

I even tried to bring in another contributer- but darn him! As soon as he agreed what does he do? Find a job! The nerve!!! (hahaha!)

So, I am still looking for contributors, as I know for sure there is no way I can keep this up all by my lonesome. There is WAY too much audio goodness in the universe for one mere addict to blog about alone. E-mail is there in the right margin, drop me a note if you're interested.

I just received the 90-day expiration notice for domain name. I figure if I can't get this place hopping in three months time, then I guess it's time to close another chapter in Dani's internet life. Which will make me very sad indeed. This blog has come a long way since Summer of '05 (as has its owner), but something's gotta give somewhere, I suppose.

Cheers friends! I will try and get some new happenings in here soon, I promise!



Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I always check you out at this blogspot address - not

is anything else at the dot com address?

Audio Addict said...

No, it's the same.. just the masked address to make it all official and stuff. :-)