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Monday, December 11, 2006

Want to advertise on the cheap?

Want to let people know about your audio business, or your theatre company? Well, the podcast pickle can help! Get a 125x125 ad placed in their right side bar for a mere $25 for a month. You are guaranteed 25,000 clicks (meaning it will be in the rotation 25,000 times) in that month.

Since the pickle has been named one of the coolest sites in 2006 by Time magazine, I think it's worth trying it out for a month and seeing what happens! I know just in the forums alone, there are always about 50+ guest in there at any given time that I'm there. And I'm there a lot. (No, I'm not ashamed to admit that.)

And no, you don't have to have a podcast to have an ad... ;-)

I bought one for my podcast, and there was a slight surge in traffic to the site, so I got one for this blog too! For me however, it's my way of saying thanks to such a great site and directory.

Tell 'em Dani sent ya....

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