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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Badger Books- new audio fiction podcast hub

Just found this little tidbit from the Sonic Society blog. Jill from The Signal podcast has created a podcast directory site specifically for Firefly audio fiction content.

Badger Books currently has a directory of three podcasts, but I imagine it will fill up quickly, considering the endless Firefly-related audio out there in the 'verse.

Special features to the site include no registration, no promos within the episode, and the kicker- you can choose exactly how you want your content delivered in your feed. The idea is customized ease, and switching from the traditional rss of having the most recent episode first in your playlist.

I played around with it a bit, and I like the idea, though it does seem like a little more work than just a simple click-and-subscribe. If you're picky about what order your episodes are listed, then it's a good thing.

The site looks to be in its inception- I look forward to seeing how it grows!

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