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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Podcast Story Turns Into Screenplay

Matt Wallace, Parsec-Award winning author for the Variant Frequencies podcast, had some bragging to do on MySpace:

"I can safely announce that one of my stories, which originally appeared on the Variant Frequencies podcast, has been optioned by an Australian producer. What's more, I've signed on to adapt it into a feature-length screenplay myself for his production company."


"This is a huge gig for me, creatively and professionally. It's hardly a million dollar studio deal, but it's certainly 300 times more than I've been paid for any of my other stuff. And it's a shot, however slim, to break into an industry I honestly never thought I'd have access to. I have no idea if the thing will ever sell, much less be made into an actual movie; I'm dealing with an independent producer here. But so far he's delivered on everything he said he would. If he can deliver the contacts, who knows? The one thing I do know about Australian filmmakers is that they're resourceful bastards."

Congratulations Matt!

Check out more of Matt's stories in the Failed Cities Monologues, which can be found on

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