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Monday, September 19, 2005

My Search For An Irish Princess

Oh the pains to find the perfect visual aide for Tuesday's show- it's quite interesting the things that come up on a Google search. When all you type in is "Princess", or "Red-Hair" (now THAT was an interesting one. I think Iwas blushing a few times- and I'm alone in the house!) But I wanted to find something that personified the heroine in the main story on the Society, "Gormlaith, Princess of Ireland".

I'm not so sure about this first one. I mean I think I hit it with the red hair, but since I haven't heard the show yet I don't know if she was really a warrior or not.

Then I came acoss this one. Not bad, but too much fantasy with the dragon flying around. And the poor woman will probably need more clothes, being in Ireland and all...

Then I found this- which I suppose portrays the royalty a bit more. I like the dark hair better myself too...

Somewhere in my search this guy came up, and then I wasn't interested in Irish Princesses anymore....

That was two hours ago....

Ahem. What was I talking about? Oh- tomorrow's show. So, I can't wait to hear the interview afterwards and get Prof. Harvey's take on her story. Also, they are finally doing some Montage Theatre- it's about time! They would play some clips on Shadowlands every now and then- LOVE it! Then of course I get to giggle some more with the next installment of Robot's of the Company. :-)))

So, everyone TUNE IN! I'm going back to Ewan- erm.. I mean work.... *blush*


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