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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Podcast Peer Award Final Voting Thru March 15

The next round of the Podcast Peer Awards has finished the nomination process, and is in the final voting stages! Many great podcasters are up for the award this time around, in many eclectic categories! A few of the categories are:

*"Old School"
*Fan Cast
*Audio Drama
*Exceptional Podcaster

To join in the fun, you must first off be a podcaster, been podcasting at least three months, and have 6 shows under your belt. Then you need to join the forum, and become validated. Get all the details right here:

If you are all ready registered- head over and see the finalists and vote today! Voting ends March 15th! There are some very good shows/podcasters in the running, it made it very difficult to vote on a couple of them! I've also noticed the amount of votes has increased considerably from the last round- this is a wonderful thing! As a past recipient of a Podcast Peer, I have to say it's a great feeling to be acknowledged by your peers for all the hard work we put into our shows.

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