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Monday, February 19, 2007

The Language of Emus

One of the great things about technology today and podcasting is it can bring you together with friends. Even if those friends are scattered throughout the country.

Some even form a podcast from this miraculous advancement, like the gang at The Mep Report. From their website:

"The Mep Report is the world's only transcontinental conversational podcast. Bringing three old friends together from the far corners of the US, it harnesses the rampaging wit of these champion debaters to bridge the gap between politics, movies, sports, 80s cartoons and overweight birds. It is, by far, the funniest emu-centric radio show on the Internet. Really.

The Mep Report is composed of three young men who came together through the Brandeis University debate team. Now graduated and thrown to the winds, they find themselves in Berkeley, Brooklyn, and Beverly Hills. They come together via the internet on Wednesdays. Special guests may also appear."

I checked out their latest episode, and listened to their highlight about George Bush and Stem Cell research- oh that was pretty funny- and borderline wrong! (which is probably why I loved it- I'm so NOT into political correctness).

Head to the link and give them a listen yourself!

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