Click on any of the entry titles to get more information about all the awesome things written about!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If you're doing this for a living, then you're not loving it

If I were to do a presentation at the Blog world and new media expo this would be it.

Hello, I am David "topper" Tobkin, and I have been a blogger since the late 90's for the most part. I have used text to begin with, just text on a page and uploaded to a website.

My earliest foray into the social networking of the so called new media would have been in the early 90's with what was available then, a BBS system called Top City, no relation. That was a message board that got as time went by a chat line. For what it was worth it was a good time. Non commercial on the fly by a guy that had a few computers in a cramped apartment.

But I wanted, in metaphoric terms, windows. I knew there was beginning to be a world on the world wide web. But I didn't have the pc to do it. When I did it was powerful enough for AOL. Not the window to the world wide web I wanted. But it served my online social purpose of getting to know people "out there". Oh yea, you can actually get to know people "out there". And I actually like you today set out to meet few of them in Seattle at a get together. Much smaller than this but fun.

Ok then, enough about me, let us get down to business and start talking about you. Some of you are podcasters. Where this new media really gets it start. And I have been noticing a trend. Commercialism. Even bloggers have ads on their sites. Sure there ads here and there that providers have but you are users why put ads on your own blog or podcast page? It isn't as though your readers and listeners are customers, they are not. They are your audience, say it with me, audience. And these folks can listen to you or read your blog any time they want. Which brings to another point of podcasting. It is considered to be a portable media, therefor people can take you with them where ever they go, on a trip, to the gym, on a drive, anywhere. The only reason that the term podcasting is getting a bad rap is because Apple wants to control it, so the controlling forces of podcasting want you to follow suit with "new media". Oh well sign of the times.

But being that you have an audience are you worth paying for? What I have is a passion for whatever moves me at the moment and it should you too. Everything you have learned about making a buck on this new media I am going to try and get you to forget. What is the motto? "If you are doing this for a living, then you are not loving it". Oh I know as well as the next guy that making a buck is a great thing, but I don't want the chase of the almighty dollar to get in the way of my passion.

Many things are built on passion. Many other things are built on need. You have the passion, Libsyn may supply the need, or whatever service you use. But these services are just that, services. There have been many services that have come and gone and one in particular comes to mind that had it ALL. It was a website that used google chat or gizmo to call in and it streamed audio for you. Also on the site was a chat room and it saved the chat for you. Some of you may recognize it. I liked it too before it became a commercial enterprise with even a target market. Now days it is a thanksgiving turkey, only problem is, they started cooking it in June. It was a great tool, but you all deserve better. Target markets are for magazines.

And about passion. Lets say you have a show, and something you read about fires you up. By the time you get to that day you set aside the passion is gone. Remember it is a portable media, why not do it anytime you want. Quantity is as good as quality as long as the quality is the same. That goes with blogging too.

But lets say you are time constrained. Well there are places to park your passion. Facebook ain't it. What the heck is that about anyway? If you have one reader as an audience you might as well take him or her out for coffee and get the message out that way.

I belong to facebook, and still asking myself why. Other enterprises to park things of interest is google reader. At least there is a place there to share with everyone, and my personal favorite News vine. Very active and sure it has ads but not all the time, and most importantly NOT to a target market. Male's in the 25 to 30 bracket like that place I eluded to earlier.

So to be counter productive to what you have heard from expo's in the past about making a buck doing something you enjoy, forget that chase and just enjoy. It will show in your work, podcast or otherwise that you have the passion and will be in it for the long haul.

My rule is, do it whenever. Most people use a feed anyway. As long as the quality is there, the quantity will not matter.

Take care and good luck.

Monday, December 01, 2008

PAB '09 Registration Now Open

From Podcasting News:

Podcasters Across Borders 09 Opens Registration, Calls For Speakers

Podcasters Across BordersPodcasters Across Borders co-founder and organizer Mark Blevis sent word that registration for PAB2009 is opening today (December 1, 2008) at midnight Eastern Time. The three-day podcasting and new media conference is scheduled for June 19/20/21, 2009, in Kingston, Ontario (Canada). This is the fourth year of the event, which focuses on not just podcast creation, but also on “building and engaging communities, using social media dynamics, and honing the skills we use in all aspects of our online presence.”

Early registration cost is cdn$120, rising to $150 on January 1. Registration is limited to 120 participants.

This weekend, PAB organizers also issued a call for speakers and presenters:

“The theme for PAB2009, Outside-in: Learning from beyond the fishbowl, was selected to evolve the conversation to draw on skills, communications styles, experiences, innovations and people from outside of the social media and new media communities. We want our program to energize, motivate and advance the community.”

The event features more structured 25-minute presentations (with Q&A afterward), and five-minute “Jolt” sessions. None of the sessions are used to promote specific businesses or services.

I've given up trying to convince myself I'll make it to PAB one of these years. It takes place at the BEST time of the year- both my daughter's birthdays! :-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Dream Realm Update!

Lots of things still happening over at Dream Realm Enterprises. Not only are there new Dr. Who episodes, but they have also been re-releasing the first season of Robotz of the Company, as well as podcasting their Sci-Fi and horror mini-series, The Realm Weaver!

When you need to escape the influx of family during tomorrow's Turkey Day- be thankful for audio cinema! ;-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And for those who still heart their radios...

From Cnet:

Sony's awesome but ridiculously cheap AM/FM HD Radio!

Posted by Steve Guttenberg

Sony's XDR-F1HD HD Radio has developed a real buzz among my audiophile pals, on second thought maybe buzz isn't the right word. It's the quietest, noise-free radio I've ever used.

These guys can be real snobs and only listen to ultra-high-end components, and some wouldn't be caught dead using mainstream gear with their hi-fis, and yet they're all going ga-ga over the Sony. We're all thinking it's too good to be true.

I originally heard about the Sony from Steven Stone, a writer friend, and then from an engineer at an American high-end audio company known for making awesome tuners that sell for thousands of dollars. The engineer was positively gushing about how good the XDR-F1HD is, not just that is sounded great, but also because it pulls in tough to receive analog stations with lower noise and distortion than tuners that sell for big bucks. You can read my full CNET review here.

I rushed right out and bought an XDR-F1HD from Amazon, and sure nuff, it's true, the little Sony is no baloney. Analog FM stations came in like gangbusters, clean as a whistle, and HD stations, like my favorite jazz station WBGO had "CD quality" sound. That phrase is tossed around a lot, but this time it's for real. Listening to WBGO with the Sony over my high-end system with Magnepan 3.6/R speakers the sound is amazing. It's day and night better than what I get from Sirius Satellite Radio, which is almost unlistenable over those speakers.

Right, Sirius sounds like a crummy MP3 over the Maggies. That's why I listen to Sirius over my Tivoli PAL table radio. Good enough sound is what most people put up with, and that's kinda sad.

WNYC, my local NPR outlet, multicasts HD on three channels: one is the same program as the analog FM station, the second is a 24/7 classical music stream, and the third is WNYC's AM feed, but in FM HD. One of my favorite shows, David Garland's "Spinning on Air" is a weekly musical journey; The October 26 all-theremin show was a mind trip, and sounded positively ethereal in HD. The theremin is an early 20th Century electronic instrument, it's featured on the Beach Boys' hit "Good Vibrations."

Thing is, not all HD stations sound great, in New York WPLJ and WXRK sound dreadful. So you see, HD Radio technology doesn't guarantee sound quality, its up to the stations to follow through and not mess with their signal. The XDR-F1HD is a gateway to the best of over-the-air analog and digital broadcasts.

Need a second opinion? Check out Gary Krakow's The Street review to learn more.

Steve Guttenberg is a frequent contributor to magazines and Web sites including Home Entertainment, Playback, and Ultimate AV. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET. Disclosure.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Merging Isn't Always A Good Thing

Found this post via The Consumerist. Seems satellite is going the direction traditional radio has. Maybe Clear Channel will take it over someday...

By Chris Walters, 1:55 PM on Fri Nov 14 2008

This week, Sirius XM began consolidating its channels. In reality, this mostly meant jettisoning XM channels wherever there was a tenuous overlap with something Sirius already offered, which is bad news for anyone with a favorite station on XM who woke up Wednesday morning to find it missing. Alex wrote in to tell us that the four Spanish music channels have been condensed to one without regard to genre, and that the uncensored "urban music" station Hot Jamz has been cleaned up, rechristened "The Heat," and now leans toward radio-friendly R&B. The Motley Fool suggests that the new lineup may drive people to downgrade their subscription—it's "an incentive to downgrade to the cheaper plan that costs $6 less a month and lets users cherry-pick 50 stations."

In addition to the latin and urban channels, Alex wants to know why Sirius XM couldn't have better prepared its listeners:

First off, why such secrecy? Millions of subscribers were blindsided yesterday. No announcements of any kind were made over the air to let people know what was going on. To them, everything was fine on Tuesday, but all of a sudden on Wednesday, their favorite channel was deleted or changed fundamentally. This was a breach of trust between the provider and the consumer. We are the subscribers. We are paying for this service. We deserve a voice over what it is we want to hear. More importantly, we deserve input about programming we are willing to pay for.
Second, we the consumers, Congress, and the FCC were assured that allowing the merger would increase diversity and choice. Wednesday's change showed you acted in bad faith. On the XM side, we lost 75% of the Spanish music choice. To clump together the previous 4 genres of music offered by Aguila, Viva, Caricia, and Caliente into one channel shows either cultural ignorance or contempt for diversity. My congressional representatives will be hearing from me about this.
Third, the new censorship. I bought Sirius to free myself from the shackles of FM. Hot Jamz has been neutered into "The Heat," essentially a satellite version of my local R&B station. I simply couldn't listen to it today. The songs were heavily edited and censored. This is the antithesis of what Sirius once stood for, what bringing Howard from FM symbolized. Fact is, urban music is written in the vernacular. What "The Heat" did to Hot Jamz is an insult.
Fourth, continuing on the theme of less choice. Sirus XM acted in bad faith when it shrunk the available choices:

No more electronica from Boombox — now pop2k... isn't there enough pop with 90's on 9, the Pulse, and Alt Nation?

No more Old Skool.

No more Punk.

No more Fine tuning/free form.

No more educational radio via Discovery channel. (I'm still raw over that)

Instead we get less choice and shallower playlists on what used to be Fred, Lucy, and Ethel.
Mel et al., you really should listen to what you customers have to say. (these are your most ferverent fanatics, and yet their poll shows less that 33% are satisfied)

If you had asked us to begin with, you may have avoided this heartache.
Dual-sub non grata,Alex

As an aside, if you're a Mitsubishi Outlander owner experiencing problems with Sirius updates, Andy has figured out how to fix it:

Sirius recently merged with XM and my radio received an update as part of the merger. It killed the radio in my Mitsubishi Outlander with an "Antenna Error" message. I argued with 4 or 5 CSRs at Sirius that this was not a hardware issue, the timing is too perfect. I ended up pulling the #7 fuse and it reset the radio. Voila, the radio is back up and running. However, every time they send an update I have to pull the fuse. I hope this helps other MMS owners, and I hope Sirius gets this figured out asap. This is a factory installed radio part of the Mitsubishi Multi Messaging System premium radio system.
Here's a link to my forum post:

"Sirius XM Has Crossed the Line" [The Motley Fool]

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Makes A Podcast A Podcast?

As I was browsing through the reader today I happened upon a great blog post on Podcasting via Radio Drama Revival. It's very in-depth and lengthly, but touches on many points I agree with, and reminded me of exactly why I love podcasting as a medium above all others (I know, like I need reminding?). An excerpt of a part I sorta-kinda agree with:

Podcasts do not Have to be Polished and Professional

This one is non-negotiable. I was horrified and offended at Podcast Michigan by a presenter who spoke about how podcasts have "lowered the playing field." Among his talking points were many words to the effect of "be professional."

I couldn't disagree more. The podcast world is vast, and contains multitudes. "Polish" is code for "make it sound like everyone else does, or we will look down on you." "Professional" is code for "people without a lot of money need not apply." Oh, and also "people who want to record something important and true to them, but that won't fit into a recording studio, or sound just like NPR, need not apply." Really? I love some of what goes down on NPR, but it ought to be obvious that there is an NPR "style," and expecting everyone to conform to it is just as bad as expecting everyone to conform to the commercial FM radio style.

Read the entire entry here:

Why do I sorta-kinda agree? Well, the thing I love the most about podcasting is there are no boundaries, no limits. Only what you place upon yourself. That being said, in some cases I agree that there is no need to ever have that polished sound, depending on what you're podcasting about. (See the last entry and the audio on reasons your podcast sucks to get more details on that). It really depends on your audience and the reason you are podcasting (i.e. who you are podcasting for). There are also so many inexpensive and free choices out there to record/edit some very decent audio, which definitely can help anyone have a decent show if they are willing to put even a minuscule amount of effort into it.

Of course in special cases, such as a audio cinema podcast, some polishing is certainly necessary, but even then not 100% required. The beauty of it all is there is no one else you need to answer to other than you.

These of course are just my opinions of one part of a big blog post, and I'd love to know what you other audio addicts think!

Discuss! :-)


5 Reasons Why Your Podcast Sucks (and on iTunes!)

I'm finally getting around to posting some of the audio/video links to some of the Podcamp AZ goodness!

Podcast AZ was streaming all day both days, and many guests stopped by to partake in the fun. You can watch some clips from the weekend riiiiight..... here. Dan and CJ of the Love Long and Prosper Podcast were amazing taking on the task of running the podcast all weekend.

Unfortunately audio was scarce (and if you have audio from the weekend please post it in the comments!), but a couple of great sessions were headed by Evo Terra. He also had a cool slide show to go along with his sessions. Click and enjoy!

*5 Reasons Why Your Podcast Sucks
*5 Reasons Why Your Podcast Sucks on iTunes

PS, clicky on the photo to get more photos from the weekend courtesy of the talented Sheila Dee!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Indie Band Survival Guide

Wanted to repost this informative gem for all of you audio and new media addicts out there. Shamelessly swiped from the Fun Anymore blog, which is the home of all things Evo Terra:

If you are serious about new media, I highly recommend this book, The Indie Band Survival Guide.

No, you don’t have to be a musician in an independent band. Yes, it was written with them in mind, but there are a huge numbers of takeaways.

Props to the boys at Beatnik Turtle for craning out an enlightening and enjoyable book that cuts through the bullshit and tells you — specifically — what it takes to navigate the waters of independent media production.

The section on copyright is fascinating. This book gives it all the weight the topic deserves, but explains it simple enough to allow anyone to grok the concepts. Kudos to them for carrying the conversation over to Creative Commons licensing as well.

Podcasters: you need this book.

Video producers: you need this book.

Vloggers and Bloggers: you need this book, too.

Get it.

It's on the list- thanks for the info, Evo!

Monday, October 27, 2008

This weekend- Podcamp AZ 2.0

Well here it is- this weekend the 2nd annual Podcamp AZ comes to the valley, and I'm so excited! We've worked so hard this year to put together a first rate unconference, and I think- no, I know- we will pull it off!

This was truly a community effort. I don't think at any podcamp meeting there were less than 15 people. I may hate the summer weather and the politics of AZ, but one thing I love and what keeps me living here is the sense of community and support in the Valley of the Sun.

One of the sessions I'm most looking forward to is Evo Terra's "Five Reasons Your Podcast Sucks". Many others have moved on to video, or streaming audio for their shows, but I remain strictly an audio podcaster for my show. Those are the sessions that are going to interest me the most! :-) However there are many MANY sessions planned on a plethora of topics- something for everyone!

You can register all the way up through the weekend if you'd like to attend- it's absolutely free! Though, if you want one of the cool shirts, a donation would be appreciated!

Still need convincing? The great AZ weather (in November, not the summer!) and all the great sessions isn't enough? Well how about some photos from last year?

See you this weekend!


Here's a neat new company to check out from Georgia- Audeeoh!

Actually, they have been around a couple of years now, but are breaking out onto the podcasting scene with original audio dramas, like Butta and the Tower of Bling and The Shyster Club.

Great quality productions and fun in a soap-opera drama sort of way. Check them out!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Podcast Award Nominees Chosen

Voting for the 4th annual Podcast Awards is underway, and I have to admit it's quite an eclectic mix of podcasters this year! I'm happy to see several of my friends in the nominations:

Buffy Between The Lines
Comedy 4 Cast
Grammar Girl
Extra Points
...and many others!

Somehow even my little political podcast made it through the nomination process! Head over to the site and check out all the categories and nominees!

Voting goes through November 6th, and you can vote once a day, every day until then!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Know What I Did Last Podcamp AZ?

I had a really great time- that's what! That time of year is upon us again here in the not-quite-as-hot-now Southwest. Last year was the inaugural Podcamp AZ, and it was such a success it just had to be brought back!

What's Your Source? This year's unconference is taking a look at what is relevant in media today. Whether we are talking podcasting or radio, video or even print, all of these media outlets are a source that is continually changing and advancing. If you want to be on top of it, then you should be at Podcamp AZ November 1st and 2nd. Sessions and interaction focus on the creation of all relevant media sources, and how to use those sources to work for you for whatever you want! It doesn't matter if you are a newbie coming in who has never turned on a computer (and if you are I will want to shake your hand!), or a more 'experienced' person with relevant media sources. There are always new things to learn and talk about- and Arizona is one of the best places to do it.

The speakers lined up this year are also something to look forward to. More referred to as "hosts of an ongoing conversation", they bring their knowledge of a topic to you, yet are just as willing (and wanting) to learn as well. Some of the awesome speakers lined up this year are Evo Terra, Doug Welch, Kathy Jacobs, Francine Hardaway, Brian Shaler, and Chris Pirillo! You can learn more about these speakers and see who else is scheduled by clicking right HERE.

You really can't beat Arizona in November- the price is right and the community is awesome and inclusive. Head over to the website and register NOW and come be involved in the second annual Podcamp AZ!

If you'd like to help spread the word about Podcamp AZ, here's a little promo you can play on your podcast or radio show:

... or you can always spread the word in the relevant media outlet of your choice. GO! Register! See you November 1st!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Giallo Podcast Going Offline!

This is a heads-up to let everyone know that "Bloodbath at the Giallo Hotel" will soon be removed from the Afterhell podcast feed. If you wanted to check out our tale of gangsters, zombies, and other strangeness at the dawn of the Afterhell, but hadn't had a chance, go grab any and all of the nine installments now! Copy and paste this address into your podcast-catcher of choice:

The good news is that "Afterhell Volume 3: Bloodbath at the Giallo Hotel" will soon be released on CD! This is the same award-winning story as on the podcast feed, but with a full stereo mix and without the podcast bumpers. There will also be a bonus track!

Please check out the Afterhell blog at for further updates on Volume 3 … and Volume 4, in work now! As always, thank you for your interest in and support of "Afterhell."

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

SFF Audio Now Podcasting!

Only several years in the making (hehe!) - my friends Jesse and Scott over at the best blog for sci-fi audio news- SFF Audio- have finally been bitten hard enough by the podcast bug!

Here's what they say about this momentous occasion:
"Hey look! We’ve got our own podcast. This is the very first one, which includes SFFaudio founders Scott D. Danielson and Jesse Willis talking about audiobooks, audio drama, and cease and desist orders. We won’t desist podcasting if you won’t cease downloading them - whatever that means."

Why, it means awesome! You can grab the feed right here:

Two Awards Ceremonies This Weekend

This weekend was the ever-popular sci-fi convention Dragon*Con. Many of my friends online and off travel to Atlanta each year to party, dress up, and help bring more attention to podcasting. There are two podcast-related awards ceremonies during the weekend, the Parsec Awards and the Podcast Peer Awards.

The Parsecs awards the very best of sci-fi related podcast content, ranging from stories and podiobooks, to audio drama and fan content. The Podcast Peers are awards given out by other podcasters, and range from all sorts of categories, from podiobooks, to couplecasts and music.

I was honored to be involved in both awards, each in a different way.

To see the nominees and winners for the Parsecs, head to this link:

To see the nominees and winners for the Podcast Peers, head to this link (the winners are not the top podcast you see for each category):

To see who won for each PPA category, you can go here:

Congrats to all!

Misadventures Of Sherlock Holmes

What does it take to crash a website? One really great audio drama! Season 1 of Dream Realm Enterprises summer hit The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes is complete, and awaiting your download!

UPDATE! Now this very popular series is being podcast! Get caught up and subscribe now!

This isn't your normal Sherlock Holmes mystery series. This series comes from the viewpoint of Doctor Watson, and the view isn't always positive when the light is shined on Mr. Holmes (or himself, actually). It's fun, witty, VERY well written (by Vince Stadon!), and still full of mystery and surprises!

The website also has interesting Sherlock Holmes history when you click on each episode.

Make the site crash again- head over and check it out today! ;-)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sonic Society Live Call in Show Tonight and They Got an Amazing Voicemail!

The Sonic Society goes live tonight on CKDU in Halifax and will be taking you calls! The Cast of Gate (well some of them) will be there as well! So listen to the show live at and look for the "Listen Online" link. You can call them after 8 PM Eastern Standard time at 902-494-2487 to be on the show!
Don't forget to leave them a message on Zug Beud, or email them at sonicsociety AT

Oh, be sure to listen for the Zug call from The Big Goram Heroes,
Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk. Yeah Those Big Damn Heroes.

Friday, August 01, 2008

National Parks Getting Into Podcasting

Having just returned from 6 weeks of traveling the US and the UK, I took special interest in how the National Parks are jumping on the podcast bandwagon. I found a couple great podcasts to help guide us around England, it's a very useful idea. If you are one who enjoys traveling around, podcasts are the perfect primer. All it takes is a little searching on the Google or iTunes!

From Podcasting News:

The US National Parks Service is getting into podcasting in a big way, and now offers 18 park service podcasts and virtual tours, offering hundreds of audio and video programs that you can get from park websites or iTunes.

The podcasts include:

  1. Acadia NP
  2. Antietam National Battlefield
  3. Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP
  4. Canyonlands NP
  5. Clara Barton National Historic Site
  6. Curecanti National Recreation Area
  7. Everglades NP
  8. Gettysburg National Military Park
  9. Glacier NP
  10. Grand Canyon NP
  11. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
  12. Katmai National Park and Preserve
  13. Mississippi National River & Rec. Area
  14. Petersburg National Battlefield
  15. Richmond National Battlefield
  16. Rock Creek Park
  17. Yellowstone NP
  18. Yosemite N

Many parks offer interpretive podcasts about wildlife, history, and topical issues like climate change and fire management. The most extensive collection of park podcasts is from Yellowstone National Park where they are reaching out to new and nontraditional audiences to spark an interest in visiting the park. The Inside Yellowstone series has more than 50 episodes, which are one to two minutes in length. More episodes are on the way.

“Our podcasts give people from every corner of the earth the chance to fall in love with Yellowstone and become its stewards for the future,” said George Heinz, one of the writers and on-screen personalities for the podcast series. The park has another online series called Yellowstone InDepth that presents mini-documentaries on subjects like volcanoes, invasive species, bears, and wolves.

“While nothing can replace a personal experience in a national park, we think our podcasts will enhance people’s trips or give them the opportunity to learn about a park that they can’t visit,” said Mary A. Bomar, Director of the National Park Service. “Whether people download them to portable devices or watch them on their computers, these free electronic presentations give us another way to serve park enthusiasts of all ages.”

Other National Park Podcasts

Yosemite National Park launched a new monthly podcast called Yosemite Nature Notes. A printed publication of the same name began in the 1920s and existed for five decades. “Just like the earlier version of Nature Notes, our podcasts tell Yosemite’s stories from the perspective of the people who work here,” said Steve Bumgardner, videographer and producer at Yosemite National Park. “I like the idea that we’ve brought this institution back to life and that we use new media to put a personal face on the National Park Service.”

“My favorite podcast about Canyonlands National Park is the one on potholes,” said Carter, an 8-year-old visitor who watched all of the park’s podcasts before his trip. “It was so interesting to learn that tiny creatures are living in a bunch of dirt.” Carter’s sister Brooke, 11, appreciated knowing how to recognize cryptobiotic soils so she didn’t walk on the delicate crust. Their mother, Tiffani, thought the podcasts empowered her kids and said, “they loved being the experts and teaching us ( their parents ) what they learned while we walked around the park.”

At Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, people stop at overlooks along the South Rim Road and watch podcasts about geology, history, life, and recreation at those exact spots. Everglades National Park also has a car tour ( audio only ) that leads listeners on a guided exploration down the main park road. Four civil war battlefields – Gettysburg, Antietam, Petersburg, and Richmond – offer podcasts that allow you to walk or drive along as you listen to an NPS historian talk about decisive and dramatic battles.

Urban parks use podcast tours to reach local residents who may not know much about the parks they pass every day. For example, residents in Minneapolis and St. Paul can listen to information about Mississippi National River and Recreation Area while walking a four-mile loop near the river. Residents of Washington D.C. can download walking tours for Rock Creek Park and people in St. Louis can do the same for Jefferson National Expansion Memorial

Glacier National Park offers videos online about hiking, and rangers say the programs speed up the backcountry permit process. “Rather than having to watch the video at the permit station which is required, more and more visitors have watched it online ahead of time,” said Bill Hayden, Interpretive Specialist.

Other parks help people plan trips with podcasts, too. Visitors can learn about recreational activities at Curecanti National Recreation Area, like fishing, hiking, and camping. Katmai National Park and Preserve has an audio podcast weaving together music, stories, and tips for reaching that remote wilderness area.

Virtual Tours

While not available for download like podcasts, virtual tours are also available. For example, Clara Barton National Historic Site offers a virtual tour of Barton’s home, a building that served as the national headquarters for the American Red Cross. The tour allows visitors to navigate through all three levels of the house and gives access to images, text, and audio clips.

Acadia National Park has an eCruise along the rocky shores of Mount Desert Island and Glacier National Park offers eHikes that take visitors through stunning wilderness areas among glaciers, wildflowers, and bears.

New virtual tours are coming soon:

  • Zion National Park will release an eHike for Angel’s Landing;
  • Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks will launch eHikes that go through the Sierra Nevada foothills or among the giant sequoias; and
  • The Statue of Liberty will provide an eTour covering Liberty Island, the inside of Lady Liberty, and a 360-degree view from her crown.

Some worry that creating podcasts and virtual tours about national parks may keep people, especially children, disconnected from the actual places. “Personally, I don’t think that people are going to give up on the real thing,” said Todd Edgar, Media Specialist at Acadia National Park. “After learning about parks from our online resources, people want to get outside and explore on their own.”

For many other national park podcasts and virtual tours, go to If a park unit offers online programs, you will find them by clicking on “Photos and Multimedia” in the left navigation bar of their homepage.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Well what do you know

This is interesting, but the Twilight Zone has been made into radio dramas. I have always loved the tv series of course.

Stacy Keach plays the host of the program, with Blair Underwood, Luke Perry and Chris McDonald for starters.
The Twilight Zone™ Radio Dramas feature a full cast, music and sound effects and today’s biggest celebrities in modern radio dramatizations by Dennis Etchison of creator Rod Serling’s classic scripts. Hosted by Stacy Keach, The Twilight Zone™ Radio Dramas will keep you glued to the edge of your seat whether listening in your home or while driving in your car.
The recordings are not a resurrection of the past but new and fresh. Very sound recordings with a high standard in production.

The twilight zone is available in a set, get all the info here. A few are available to listen to. I had just listened to "Long Distance Call". Extremely good.

Get three free downloads here.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

"Gate" Swings in for Summer

"The Sonic Society began its Summer Season last week with "Gate". A new ten-part series written by Jack Ward and produced by Jack and Shannon Hilchie.
Gate is an adventure fantasy series about a girl in high school who finds herself selected for a title and a power that she was not ready for.
Gate is another anomaly in the audio drama community as it will has been written almost completely in the month of June, recorded within a month and a half and will be edited and released with a new episode every week in the summer. Gate completes its run of ten episodes with a two-parter.
Tune in to "Gate" Tuesdays in the Sonic Society feed at... today!

Oh, and did I mention I'm in it? Well, it's a small part, But I'm in it!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mark Time/ Ogle Winners!

Yay I can finally spill the beans! (Who said I couldn't keep a secret?) Congratulations to winners of this year's Mark Time Award for Science Fiction Audio, and Ogle Award for Fantasy/Horror Audio productions!

The Mark Time Awards are sponsored by MISFITS, and will be presented at
Convergence on July 3, 2008 in Bloomington, MN.


Space Casey
Written & Produced by Christiana Ellis

Androids and You
By Bill Stuart
Adapted & Produced by
David Hinde Chapman
Rattenfanger Radio

Mission Control
By Cynthia McGean
Produced by Sam A. Mowry
Willamette Radio Workshop


The Stuff of Myth
Produced/Written by Roger Gregg
Crazy Dog Audio Theatre

The Dead Girl
Written & Directed by Kyle Hatley
Produced by Robert Arnold
Chatterbox Audio Theater


Something Wicked This Way Comes
Produced by Chris Snyder, Mark Vanderberg, Jerry Robbins
Colonial Radio Theatre
Written by Ray Bradbury

Afterhell, Volume 3: Bloodbath at the Giallo Hotel
Ollin Productions
Produced by Joseph Medina
and Jamie Lawson

Mark Time Awards -
Convergence -

Congrats to everyone, and thanks everyone who sent in entries. You gave me some awesome audio cinema to listen to!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vindicatum part 1

The incredibly talented people at Pendant Audio have started their 2nd cross over event in their DC Universe. Things are going to explode in this one.... no really. This is a combination of 4 DC Fan shows: Superman The Last Son of Krypton, Batman The Ace of Detectives, Wonder Woman Champion of Themiscrya and Supergirl The Lost Daughter of Krypton. The shows are easy to join in during while not knowing the full story line because they do an awesome job of explaining the history as they go with out disrupting the story. Vindicatum is a great fan production that any addict should be listening to...

Monday, June 09, 2008

Another Zany Season Of 'Botz Comes To Close

It's been a season of ups and downs, but the last two episodes of Robotz of the Company Season 4 are now available on the podcast feed, as well as on the website!

Do they escape from Grease Monkey mountain? And above all else- what about Bob????

Head over now and listen! It's a nail-biter! ;-)

Podcamp Season!

Podcamp season is in full swing now, and thanks to Podcasting News here is a list of all the up-and -coming camps. Find one near you- and go! I've said in the past I prefer the "camp" atmosphere over the expo/conference one. I like being in an environment where I feel a part of something, and involved. Where my own experience in podcasting and relevant media matters, vs. just going and having people tell me how it is, or should be.

If there isn't a podcamp near you- well then, maybe you can be the one to bring a podcamp to your area? ;-)
You can get current information on upcoming PodCamps as the PodCamp wiki.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Parsec Award Nominations Now Open

Times flies when you're podcasting! It's that time of year again, the 3rd annual Parsec Award nominations are now open.

Oh... all right. They've been open since FEBRUARY. That makes me as big of a loser as this guy. ;-)

A couple of great promos though- spread 'em far and wide! (that's what she said.)

*Scott Sigler/JC Hutchins (totally not safe in any way.)

*The more, um, appropriate one!

It's always great to browse around the submissions, I always seem to find one or two or ten new things I want to check out!


Cool Radio Project For Teens

Thought this little piece of audio news from my end of the planet was pretty neat.

Radio project lets teens air their ideas, concerns

Tony Ganzer
Special for The Republic
May. 26, 2008 12:00 AM

Editor's note: This article was submitted by Tony Ganzer, Morning Edition producer for KJZZ-FM (91.5). Send your education news to

In my limited experience, there's an unfortunate truth when it comes to how and when people communicate with teenagers.

You may have seen them in the mall, or maybe they've cleared your table at the local burger joint, but it seems rare to hear a teenager's point of view about issues that matter to them, in their own words.

Earlier this month, the Valley's NPR news station, KJZZ-FM (91.5), gave airtime to a few hard-working teens. Along with my duties as KJZZ's morning producer, I also steer the Sonic Roots program. I introduce students to public radio and to the skill of creating a three-minute, sound-rich radio feature. The topic is chosen by the students, and interviews are conducted mostly by the students (with a follow-up question or two from me.) And after the work, the students make it to air. The shows can be heard at

Matt Butson, a student at Coronado High School in Scottsdale, is soon heading to college, and this transition has left him feeling confused, nervous and isolated.

"I'm not sure that I want to be a starving college student," Butson says in the feature.

That's why Butson chose to speak on the air with an educational psychologist about whether his confusion is "normal" and to Arizona State University's dean of admissions about how important choosing a major really is.

Butson offered a candid view of a young adult finding his way.

"Speaking with these professionals helped me focus on my future," Butson says in his story. "Bring it on."

Two students from Dobson High School in Mesa provided a look at Valley transportation issues. Rebecca Bever and Jessica Testa spoke with representatives from the Arizona Department of Transportation, Valley Metro, Metro light rail and their own peers, exploring how teens get around and how the system should change.

"Many teens, in our informal survey, feel that a more fluid mass-transit system is the Valley's answer," Bever and Testa say in their story. "Until better options come along, students are bound to keep doing what they have done."

These students chose to represent their peers' concerns through this project and to show that the younger generation is thinking about larger issues.

And one of my goals for Sonic Roots is to let students know: That's a good thing.

The Sonic Roots project encourages teenage civic engagement by giving them a voice in the media. It was funded by a grant from the Carstens Family Fund and Mike Minor.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obsidian Promo Now Available

Coming May 31st- "When the power fails... chaos reigns."

An audio promo for the new 7th Son podcast, Obsidian, is now available for your listening and distributing pleasure:

Some of the most well-known names in the podcasting community are coming together to bring Obsidian to life- I'm excited to hear their views from the big blackout in the 7th Son podnovel. Some of the names include:

Guaranteed to be a surprise every time! If you have not heard 7th Son yet, or need a refresher, you can get all the subscription information at


Monday, May 12, 2008

Dead LIne hit the Sonic Society

The Sonic Society unveils "Time Enough" from the Dead Line Anthology series. This is a podcast premiere of Shannon Hilchie's first hour long script and is already getting high praise for its "creepyness factor". Starring Schoel Strang and Jack Ward in the lead roles, Time Enough looks at murder in modern blogs.
Part 2 launches Tuesday the thirteenth.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

New Award For Audio Cinema Excellence

If you are a listener of The Sonic Society, you know they bring a wide range of audio cinema to your ears each week. They have now jumped on the award wagon and are holding nominations for the best of the season, called (what else?) The Unis!

So very much to choose from! Here are the rules:

-review the list they provide at the link of all the audio cinema they've podcast this season.
-under the list you make your nominations (you can choose three)
-click submit!

It's so easy, a Unicorn can do it! Nominations close May 20th, so head over and choose what you think are the best shows SS has put out this season!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Podcasting In Plain English

I did one of these in audio form back in the good 'ol days of Sonic Society, but I have to say this is much MUCH better! Clear, to the point, and VISUALS!

Monday, April 21, 2008

It's TV Turnoff Week!

The perfect week to introduce your child to some great podcasts/audio dramas!

* Giddio Audio Adventures for Kids, featuring Billy Brown the Bear.
* Bedtime Stories My Kids Love Podcast, featuring the Adventures of The Man In The Can
* The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, which most of the readers know is for the kid in ALL of us!

As for you big kids, you're not off the hook either. How are YOU spending TV Turnoff week? (Yes, you can record your favorite TV goodies like The Office- it will be there next week. Besides, that's Thursday so you don't have long to wait.)

I'm going to check out Chasing The Bard, and I've also been catching up on Metamor City too.

Put that remote DOWN!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Podcast Infection Spreads To Print

UPDATE: The SFGate has a profile of podcasting novelist Scott Sigler that looks at how he’s used free podcasts to promoting his writing career (from Podcasting News).

On 3/27:
Coming April 1st, the successful podcast novel "Infected", by horror writer/podcaster Scott Sigler will be released in print. I am always excited to see podcasters move forward in their successes! Not just excitement for them, but also for the light it brings to the podcasting world.

For the next couple of days, the book is available as a .pdf- for free! There is also an interesting post by Cory Doctorow on the Boing Boing blog about the download and how publishers work in general in promoting book releases. If nothing else, the comments always add to the enjoyment!

If you want to know more about the master of pod-horror, JC Hutchins interviewed Sigler on his latest UltraCreatives interview podcast (which btw is another podcast that you should be listening to, fellow addicts!). He doesn't make Sigler cry, but you are always assured a good time when Hutchins and Sigler are together!


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Interview of SFF Audio's Jesse Willis

UPDATE: I couldn't wait any longer, so I took a break in the midst of audio drama listening heaven to check out the interview. It took all day to listen to (thanks to my never-ending distracted life), and at the last 15 minutes I locked myself in a room and ignored the "Mom? Maaaahmmm!" coming from the other side just so I could finish it!

This was a great interview! Jesse is one intelligent person, and I thoroughly enjoyed his thoughts about the SciFi/Fantasy world, as well as his thoughts on podcasting and audiobooks. What was especially interesting and appreciated, are his thoughts about podiobooks vs. audio dramas. Jesse is not afraid to express his opinions about authors who decide to use sound effects and casts to podcast their books, but he does it with such class and true objectivity that you can't help but respect what he thinks.

Definitely one of the most enjoyable interviews I've heard in a long time. If you haven't listened yet, and have always been curious about the origins of the successful site SFF Audio, then this is a must-listen.

From 3/26:
I heard rumors there was an interview happening! My awesome
audio-blogging colleague Jesse Willis (which I am sure I do not have to tell you is the founder of SFF Audio), has been interviewed by the also awesome Chris Moody of PodioMedia Chat!

I hear it's a great chat, and unfortunately it's down a bit on my listening list, as I'm in the middle of listening to many, many Mark Time/Ogle entries! It shall be consumed by my earholes very soon, but until then all of YOU should go and listen!


Sonic Society to Hit 100!

The Sonic Society will hit 100 Podcasts this upcoming week! So send your congrats to the Zug Line at 1-206-ZUG-BEUD that's 1-206-984-2383 or e-mail your well wishes to

This week saw April Fools Day hit the SS with a totally different audio drama show called "Pony Talez". An Audio "Tail" that needs to be "herd" to be believed. So sit back and enjoy.

Happy 100 Jack and Shannon!



BLACKOUT VIDEO - video powered by Metacafe

Yeah, JC knew I'd like this for some reason... ;-)

Go viral, and put this promo on your website of choice!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

For the Political Audio Addict: Road to Denver

Another reason I've not listened to the previously mentioned interview- I've got my politic on! As I imagine everyone is aware, it's presidential election season here in the USofA, and well, considering I have a political podcast of my own, I'm always searching the series of tubes for decent information that goes a bit beyond finger-pointing and sniper fire. Shelly Brisbin, host of the informative and fun podcast simply named "Shelly's Podcast", has helped in on this front. She is trying to become a delegate to the Democratic National Convention late this summer in Denver. She decided to podcast her journey, and created the podcast "Road to Denver".

Shelly lives in Texas, so it begins with her goals for the show and then goes through her experience with the caucuses, and becoming a delegate for her district. Although it's from one states perspective and guidelines, I have to say I definitely enjoy hearing a personal experience of the process, by someone whose view is clear, balanced, and objective. She's got an excellent voice too!

If politics isn't your thing, then make sure you give a listen to her other show, because either way you will not be disappointed!


Sonic Society Fund Drive Success!

Hey good news Sonic Society fans!

From Shannon Hilchie in regards to the Torch Song CD Fund Drive:

The goal had been met over and above for my collection of Torch songs,
much to my joy and horror! Therefore, new information is needed.
As of right now, we have a total of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. I love each
and every one of you SO much! Thank you to those of you who have
donated! I will lovingly list your names once this is all over, so if
you want to be anonymous, email me before then.

So far, we have a total of SEVEN songs, including one duet between
Jack and I. Only two song titles ave been confirmed, one being JT's
request of "Why Don't you do Right?", and the other being Jack's idea
for the duet of "Baby, it's Cold Outside". The rest of the songs do
need filling in, so please send your request if you donated to the
cause. Remember that fifty dollars and up gets you two song choices,
unless you really just want one.

Recording will begin in April, and I'm excited to announce that Sharon
Bee, our musical genius, will be able to record the music for the
songs! Hurrah! These are going to sound amaze, apart from my
involvement. Once the songs are completed, they will be placed on our
feed for 100% no money. The songs themselves are free for all the
enjoy, even if you didn't donate. Think of my singing as punishment,
where everyone else considers it reward.

Once again, thanks for supporting the Sonic Society, Jack, and I. It
means the world to us.

Also, you will be able to see Jack and Shannon In Kingston, Ontario (That's Canada folks!) at Podcasters Across Boarders 2008 as they present information regarding Hosting alone -vs- having a Co-Host. That presentation will be on Sunday at 11 AM.

Rock on guys!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dream Realm's Doctor Who series now podcasting!

Attention Doctor Who fans! Due to an increasing demand for their shows, Dream Realm Enterprises has created a podcast feed for their series! Now you can have all the goodness that is DRE and Doctor Who with just a couple clicks, all nestled snug and neat in your podcatcher!

Podcast feed:

Or as always, just click the subject line to head to the blog page!

There are many wonderful stories by many many groups out there (it's by far the most popular fan audio out there I believe)- leave a link to your Doctor Who fan audio(s) in the comments!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Podcast Peer Winners Announced

The next round of the Podcast Peers is over, and there were even a few ties to break this round! Here are the winners, but please head to the Winner's Page to see all of the finalists, and links to their websites:

*Best Couple Cast: Redboy Podcast featuring Absolute Amy
*Best Geek Podcast: GeekFit
*Best Eclectic Podcast: Podculture
*Best Fancast: Love Long and Prosper
*Best Audio Blog: Shelly's Podcast
*Old School (Shows that have been podcasting
for two years or longer): I Should be Writing
*Best Parenting Podcast: Mighty Mommy
*Best Newbee Podcast (Shows that are four months old or less): Transformed!
*Best Audio Drama: Buffy Between the Lines
*Best Tech Podcast: TWiT
*Exceptional Podcaster: Tabitha Grace Smith

Congrats to all the winners!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Podcasters Across Borders Speaking Program

As I was browsing the 4,000+ items in my bloglines feed, I noticed the 2008 schedule for Podcasters Across Borders is now available!

A lot of great speakers lined up (as usual) this year, including sessions on creating Audio Drama by one of the Quirky Nomads (which is a great podcast, btw!), how to make Google work for you by Michelle Sullivan, and how to be an awesome host by Tod Maffin. Many other awesome topics as well, click the subject line and check out the full schedule!

Registration is going on now as well, but space fills up fast so hurry! It's awesome! Otherwise I wouldn't have used it twice in last paragraph!


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Inspiring Children's Literacy Through Audiobooks

Once again, thanks to Twitter for alerting me to something awesome!
Inspiring Children's Literacy Through Audiobooks

It ’s not news to anyone that literacy rates among children have dropped dramatically over the past decade. I firmly believe we can use audiobooks to inspire children to seek out stories and inspire them to fall in love with the fantastical worlds that exist out there in books.

Original post:

Let’s Inspire Children’s Literacy through Audiobooks
March 20th, 2008 · No Comments

Today, I had a chance to meet in person with with U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman (D. California) about a matter I feel very strongly about: Children’s Literacy.

Now, it’s not news to anyone that literacy rates among children have dropped dramatically over the past decade. Though many people like to blame schools or the home environment, my personal belief is that children of all ages aren’t reading because they are not inspired to. In fact, it took a boy wizard to prove this simple theory. After Harry Potter’s initial release, libraries all over were inundated by kids who were inspired to read more because they discovered the joy of books and the unbridled thrill of imagining these stories come to life in their own minds.

I have on many occasions postulated that the erosion of readership among adults has come not from laziness nor the proliferation of entertainment choices like video games, television or the internet, but from the fact that people are generally sick of cookie-cutter choices major media has given us in the name of cloning one success to hopefully breed another. Children are amazing beings capable of making this distinction, though they may not know why. Children everywhere, by nature, love to explore the depths of their own imaginations but those imaginations require inspiration to blossom. How many of us remember those moments from our own childhoods or have seen in our own children the wonderful moment inspiration strikes and the voracious desire to consume more and more of that which had inspired us. Books make up a vast universe full of adventure, fantasy and wonderful characters and literacy is the ticket to that world. We live in the era of the mp3 generation. The iPod and the computer are two of the most ubiquitous sources of entertainment consumption by today’s youth and those audiences are skewing younger than ever. I firmly believe we can use audiobooks to inspire children to seek out stories and inspire them to fall in love with the fantastical worlds that exist out there in books.

What I would like to do is plant this seed of a concept in the mind of U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman. All politicians respond to united voices. Please join me in sending this message to Congressman Sherman ( by e-mailing him a simple statement saying, more or less: “I agree with Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff that children’s literacy can be inspired through audiobooks”. Feel free to change the message as suits you most. I only ask that you reference my name so Congressman Sherman can know better why you are writing based upon my meeting with him. And please, for your own sake, don’t try to be funny and send him the kind of messages that will ultimately get you into trouble. Those of you who know me, know that I never hesitate to speak up about a cause that I feel is important and I hope that you too, feel that children’s literacy is a matter you care enough about to send just one email. And those of you who are writers yourselves, please join me in this effort because inspiring today’s kids into becoming tomorrow’s readers means a future that’s brighter for everybody.

You can reach U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman at

Something worth Digging and spreading the word about! On a personal note, I have seen the inspiration to read brought forth by audiobooks in my older daughter. She began listening to Harry Potter audiobooks, and from there she actually wanted to read the books! She had never had much interest in reading before listening. I suppose I could give the Potter books credit too, but she never had an interest in reading them before she listened.

Again, spread the word!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Broken Sea Thinking Ahead To Halloween

Saw this important message on the Modern Audio Drama yahoo group- thought I'd pass on the word! Great opportunity from the fine folks at Broken Sea Audio!
BrokenSea Audio Productions is seeking short works for our Halloween 2008 series.

In 2007 BrokenSea showcased some great audio in public domain and original works. We had Halloween poetry, full cast audio drama, readings of stories and other dark things. During October we go to Hell and back to deliver new content every day. So we need up to 100 items to podcast.

Contact subject: Halloween 2008 if you have:

1. An unpublished short story (up to 5000 words) that you would be
willing to either have read, or adapted into a single episode audio drama
then please contact us.

2. A published story that own the rights for audio publication (in other
words your publisher wont sue us for producing it)

3. Poetry of a Halloween or horror theme that meets the above

We are also interested in original audio drama scripts of up to 30 minutes performance time (longer scripts enquire first). No fan-fiction please.

Payment: BrokenSea Audio does not pay for audio scripts or the rights to produce your work.
We also do not pay our voice actors, producers, foley artists, composers, web and graphic design artists. The flip side is that we do not sell any audio either. We operate on a volunteer basis and all work is released free of charge under a Creative Commons License.
The benefits to authors are exposure to a new market, we include links to your website or other promotional site for your work and you get your name in a few thousand potential readers ears.

Please pass this on to any indviduals, forums or groups that may be interested. All enquiries and material to

Paul Mannering : Email Support Coordinator: Westpac Phone Assist
Tel: 0800 400 600 (xtn: 91806) DDI: +64 3 372 4608 Fax: +64 3 372 4680