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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

For the Political Audio Addict: Road to Denver

Another reason I've not listened to the previously mentioned interview- I've got my politic on! As I imagine everyone is aware, it's presidential election season here in the USofA, and well, considering I have a political podcast of my own, I'm always searching the series of tubes for decent information that goes a bit beyond finger-pointing and sniper fire. Shelly Brisbin, host of the informative and fun podcast simply named "Shelly's Podcast", has helped in on this front. She is trying to become a delegate to the Democratic National Convention late this summer in Denver. She decided to podcast her journey, and created the podcast "Road to Denver".

Shelly lives in Texas, so it begins with her goals for the show and then goes through her experience with the caucuses, and becoming a delegate for her district. Although it's from one states perspective and guidelines, I have to say I definitely enjoy hearing a personal experience of the process, by someone whose view is clear, balanced, and objective. She's got an excellent voice too!

If politics isn't your thing, then make sure you give a listen to her other show, because either way you will not be disappointed!


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