Podcasters Across Borders 09 Opens Registration, Calls For Speakers
Podcasters Across Borders co-founder and organizer Mark Blevis sent word that registration for PAB2009 is opening today (December 1, 2008) at midnight Eastern Time. The three-day podcasting and new media conference is scheduled for June 19/20/21, 2009, in Kingston, Ontario (Canada). This is the fourth year of the event, which focuses on not just podcast creation, but also on “building and engaging communities, using social media dynamics, and honing the skills we use in all aspects of our online presence.”
Early registration cost is cdn$120, rising to $150 on January 1. Registration is limited to 120 participants.
This weekend, PAB organizers also issued a call for speakers and presenters:
“The theme for PAB2009, Outside-in: Learning from beyond the fishbowl, was selected to evolve the conversation to draw on skills, communications styles, experiences, innovations and people from outside of the social media and new media communities. We want our program to energize, motivate and advance the community.”
The event features more structured 25-minute presentations (with Q&A afterward), and five-minute “Jolt” sessions. None of the sessions are used to promote specific businesses or services.
I've given up trying to convince myself I'll make it to PAB one of these years. It takes place at the BEST time of the year- both my daughter's birthdays! :-)
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