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Monday, January 01, 2007

Well then...

Seems as though I've dropped of the face of the internet, eh?
It's been nice, I must say. Have enjoyed my holiday very much... just being disconnected for a change.

However, I am getting that feeling. Besides the feeling of "god I have ate way too much the past two weeks but yes I will so have another slice of (insert dessert here)" -the feeling that it's time to start getting back to work!

My goal this holiday was to listen to three major audio works- one radio drama, and two podiobooks. Well, here I am 8 days into my 10 day vacation and I have just about finished the radio drama. But to be fair it was long, like epic-long. I'm dying to tell you all more about it, but it will have to wait until I finish the last two tracks.


As for the other two, well, my work is cut out for me, that is for sure! But I can't wait- I love having time to listen! Perhaps I will be able to get a podiobook in on the plane trip home!

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