The Willamette Radio Workshop will be doing triple-duty for Halloween -- and we'll be there! This Tuesday, Oct 31 at 10:30am PST, KBOO-FM 90.7 in Portland, OR will start the festivities on "Stage & Studio" with Dmae Roberts, featuring two short offerings from WRW: * THROUGH THE TURNSTILE, a post-apocalyptic tale of dark irony and reluctant human contact by Carole Dane * H.P. Lovecraft's THE OUTSIDER, adapted by yours truly for the Willamette Radio Workshop, produced and performed by its director Sam A. Mowry.
(Yours truly would be Joe Medina of Ollin Productions/Afterhell)
Go to http://www.kboo.fm/listen to stream the broadcast live. And if you happen to be in town that night, come join us at the McMenamins Kennedy School at 5:30pm and 7pm. Come see the Mercury Theater's rendition of DRACULA performed live! Watch the show and bring the kids to trick or treat indoors, all for free. Ollin Productions will be there with audiodrama CD's for sale.
Come freely. Go safely. And leave some of the happiness you bring!
How fun does THAT sound?? What other Halloween fun is going on in the audio drama world? I must investigate!
1 comment:
Just wanted to mention that TURNSTILE was produced as part of a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council. The piece was developed int he 2005 Writers On-the-air Workshop.
Writers of audio drama and other written forms can also check out the Writers Wavelength blog on the WRW website under features. We are seeking to foster an ongoing conversation for writers.
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