Anyway, lots of goodies to tell you about, and they involve the most inclusive show in radio/podcasting. Tonight they go back to an absolute favorite of mine, Afterhell Vol. 2. Long-time readers might remember when I bought this baby back in April... but I have absolutely no problem listening to it over and over again.
A side note, but related: Jamie Lawson, one of the amazing people at Ollin Productions, has succumbed to the call and started her own podcast! "It was 20 years ago today" is exactly about that. A moment in history on the day she podcasts, 20 years earlier. (did that make any sense?). I absolutely LOVE it, and it's a different take on history than you might expect. I'm WAY behind after being away for a week, but they are short 5-6 minute segments, and they really take you back to a time not too many are talking about yet in any detail. Of course, I only have a limited memory of 20 years ago... after all I was uh, 14...
Also, I will just throw in this mass post that episode #4 of Firefly:Old Wounds, is also up on the podcast site and ready for your anxious ear. A slight delay, but well worth the wait, which I'm sure you all ready knew. ;-)
Hmm.. anything else? Nope, I think I covered it all.
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