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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

"Gate" Swings in for Summer

"The Sonic Society began its Summer Season last week with "Gate". A new ten-part series written by Jack Ward and produced by Jack and Shannon Hilchie.
Gate is an adventure fantasy series about a girl in high school who finds herself selected for a title and a power that she was not ready for.
Gate is another anomaly in the audio drama community as it will has been written almost completely in the month of June, recorded within a month and a half and will be edited and released with a new episode every week in the summer. Gate completes its run of ten episodes with a two-parter.
Tune in to "Gate" Tuesdays in the Sonic Society feed at... today!

Oh, and did I mention I'm in it? Well, it's a small part, But I'm in it!


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