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Friday, February 20, 2009

URL Change

Well, as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm just not able to post here like I used to. Actually I haven't been able to give the same attention to this wonderful place for about a year now. It's not a bad thing, really. Just a time thing. When you run several blogs, pretty much on your own, somethings got to give. And as much as I love audio cinema, it's always been a fond hobby and not my main love. That would be politics. ;-)

Anywho, no, this is not a note that I'm shutting the place down. I do find things that I want to post that fit the best here, and I definitely want to keep sharing. However, it's no longer worth it to renew url. So, I'm changing the blogspot name.

"Societyfans", was outdated anyway. This blog began as a fan site, but it grew to be a fan site of many audio realted goodies, not merely one specific. Sometimes, change is good. :-)

Thanks for reading! Please adjust your feeds accordingly.

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