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Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm reviewing and I don't even know it! Podiobooker Podcast
Oh ok... I knew it. WhatI didn't know however was when the podcast was actually going to be live again- and my news is IT IS!

Click on the logo to get to the latest podcast. Each episode they play previews of new podbooks that have recently been added, give you all the latest news, and hey- reviews! Yay!

Then subscribe or bookmark the blog, because you will always be kept up to date on the latest from the podbook universe. It's a great resource, and it will be up in my links very soon (yes, it should have all ready been there, I know. I'm a loser.)


Gary said...

Hey, nice blog! I'll bookmark it and be back.

Question: is having problems? I tried your link, then tried going there directly and from a few other locations and it just times out. Hopefully just a temporary problem (maybe just so popular they ran out of bandwidth? :-) but if anyone knows otherwise I'd appreciate a note.

Audio Addict said...

Thank you!

Yes, Podiobooks must be down, I can't get there either. :-( Hopefully they will be up and running soon!!
