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Friday, January 27, 2006

Blog updates... and a shameless plea

Been working on the links... added a few new ones I hope you will all take a peek. If anyone can think of others to add, please comment and let me know!

For those who listen to Sonic Society on the radio... you might want to check out this week's podcast. Because of requirements with other esteemed Society members, they have to mix up the podcast a bit. So as a special treat they are running the Addict's Addicts' (there is an English jumble for ya- please feel free to correct it) personal favorite- Biff Straker and Spaceways!

It's a 6-parter, so make sure you keep checking in to the podcast, and I'll of course keep you informed of when they are uploaded. ;-)

Now for the shameless plea part (pulling out her grotesquely cute photo) I want to link with you!
I've been doing this blog now for, well 7 months now... and I am loving how it has taken a life of its own. It's gone so much further than just a fan blog for one show- it has become exactly what the Society set out to do- get the word out about the one thing we all have in common and love- radio drama. I've tried to even go beyond that with making this place as informative as possible about all things audio as well.

So, if you agree- show everyone who hits your websites and blogs how awesome you think this blog is by linking to me! See that kitten? Take a good look at the kitten... You can't deny the kitten.. that's exactly the look in my eyes right now...

As always, your comments and recommendations are encouraged and appreciated! I get some great emails, but remember you can leave your thoughts right here for everyone to see!

OK- plea over. Time to work on my next blog. :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's one cute damn kitten. where are its ears.