Click on any of the entry titles to get more information about all the awesome things written about!

Friday, February 29, 2008

It's that time again- Mark Time/Ogle Awards '08!

UPDATE!!! The deadline to get entries in has been extended to Tuesday, March 4th for the postmark deadline!

If you have been worried that you wouldn't be able to make the deadline
for entry in the Mark Time Awards for science fiction audio theater, or Ogle
Awards for fantasy audio, here's the latest from David Ossman - Mark Time
"It's been a hard month. Plenty of weather and everybody has the
damn flu. And the deadline [March 1] comes on a weekend. Let's give 'em all
till Tuesday, the 4th for the postmark deadline."

Just bumping this back to the top so no one forgets to get their entries mailed!

I also found out that if you have a fan audio drama (you know, something like a Dr. Who or Batman audio drama), you can enter those too! So what are you waiting for! Mail those entries IN!


Attention all audio cinema writers/producers/etc.! It is time to look over all the great work you've done over the past year, and submit your entries for this year's Mark Time/Ogle Awards!

The deadline for entry in the annual Mark Time Awards / Ogle Awards for science fiction and fantasy audio theater is coming up on March 1, 2008.

The Mark Time/Ogle Awards are the only awards given solely for audio
theater. This is their 12th year, and the entries are getting better
every year.So, if you've produced science fiction or fantasy audio theater that
you're proud of in 2007, make it a point to enter.

You will find an entry form at:

Just fill it out, add a $25 entry fee, and send it in with 5 copies
of your entry.
You can find out more at,
including past winners, the Mark Time SF Audio Hall of Fame, and
judging criteria.

The postmark deadline is March 1. The judges will notify winners by
Mid-May. The awards will be presented at CONvergence, July 3, 2008. Winners will be given
registration to the convention, a plaque and a t-shirt. It's a real treat to meet with other producers and spend a weekend talking shop, in the company of others who love science fiction. We will perform a new original radio show at the beginning of the convention. And during the long weekend there will be time for an audio panel, and an autographing party, so bring your products with you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Podcast Peer Award Final Voting Thru March 15

The next round of the Podcast Peer Awards has finished the nomination process, and is in the final voting stages! Many great podcasters are up for the award this time around, in many eclectic categories! A few of the categories are:

*"Old School"
*Fan Cast
*Audio Drama
*Exceptional Podcaster

To join in the fun, you must first off be a podcaster, been podcasting at least three months, and have 6 shows under your belt. Then you need to join the forum, and become validated. Get all the details right here:

If you are all ready registered- head over and see the finalists and vote today! Voting ends March 15th! There are some very good shows/podcasters in the running, it made it very difficult to vote on a couple of them! I've also noticed the amount of votes has increased considerably from the last round- this is a wonderful thing! As a past recipient of a Podcast Peer, I have to say it's a great feeling to be acknowledged by your peers for all the hard work we put into our shows.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Old Wounds: Wedding Day part 2 Now posted!

The fine folks over at The Sonic Cinema have released Part 2 of their second Firefly based audio drama, Wedding Day.

If you enjoyed 'Old Wounds" be sure to grab Wedding Day! Just in case you forgot, the RSS Feed for The Sonic Society is



Friday, February 22, 2008

Dream Realm: One big update!

All sorts of awesome audio goodness from Dream Realm Enterprises to talk about! From their latest newsletter:

"After being in post production hell for well over two years, Granville Scott's second audio production for DRE's anthology series known only as The Realm Weaver, finally sees the light of day! Avatar is released over the course of two weeks as a two part drama! What happens when young ex-student Jason Knight creates an interactive love-mate who isn't quite what he bargained for? Can he somehow program her to behave more human? What happens when he enlists the aid of his old college professor? Tune in to to find out! Avatar stars: Steve Anderson as Jason Knight, JEff Niles as Dr. Kemper Kahn, Lexy Vanier as Lenore, and Cookie Colletti as Helen!

Check out the BRAND NEW sci-fi drama from Granville Scott, "Avatar"!! A story about a boy, a virtual girl, and a galaxy! Well, okay we made up the galaxy bit! But trust us, you'll love this one!

It's available NOW for FREE to download at! So, go to the website, or follow the link below to download it right now! Visit us on the web or follow the link provided below (or copy and paste into your web browser):"

Realm Weaver #3 "Avatar" written by Granville Scott:

Also, the next installment of "The Dark Building Lounge" turns the mic around and interviews the wonderful host of the series, Jeff Niles:

And finally, DRE's Robotz of the Company is preparing for it's 5th (and possibly final) season, and they want YOU to write an episode for them. If you've been listening from the beginning, ROTC has come a long way over the past few years, both in story, and behind the scenes. It's definitely the little audio production that could! Now Jon is gathering ideas on where to take the botz next, and would love to see other writers get involved!

Want to know more? Visit the thread started on Audio Drama Talk for all the details! And do it soon, there is a deadline of March 15th for submissions!

So much audio goodness from such a great company- head over today and see how you can join in on the awesomeness that is Dream Realm Enterprises!

UPDATE! Part Two of "Avatar" is NOW available:

6th graders using podcasting in school

Thanks again to Podcasting News, here is an awesome video of 6th graders explaining podcasting, and the work they did on a particular story. They also explain how it goes beyond the textbook to increase their english/language skills.

Very awesome!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Before I forget: Wedding Day: Part 1

Before I forget, and part 2 comes out and you fall behind, the fine folks over at The Sonic Cinema have released Part 1 of their second Firefly based audio drama, Wedding Day.

If you enjoyed 'Old Wounds" be sure to grab Wedding Day! Just in case you forgot, the RSS Feed for The Sonic Society is



Friday, February 15, 2008

The Valentine's gift that keeps on giving!

Podcasts! Several podcasts were featured on the Podcasting News site yesterday for their unique ways of looking at this exaggerated holiday. Click the subject line to see the great video embedded there, and check these other shows out as well!

*For a short, simple sonnet by the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, check out “What Lips My Lips Have Kissed,” a live reading by Cyn.

*Podshow podsafe music maven Anji Bee has made a Valentine Special edition of her Chillcast, “a 60 minute mix of songs in the key of love.”

*The lifestyle podcast network, Personal Life Media focuses on personal relationships all year ’round, and their Valentine-time offerings maintain that focus. Hard to single out just a few, but the spicy titles include “On the Minds of Men: Sparking Up Your Love Life,” and “Tantra and Kama Sutra: The Heart and Breath of Tantra.”

*In Valentine video offerings, environmental video podcast ZapRoot! has a funny/practical/naughty Valentine’s Day Special, in which recommendations range from fair trade chocolate and eco-tourist hotels, to recycled-rubber and pthalate-free sex toys and eco-porn (which I hadn’t previously known existed!).Comedy video creators PandaSmash have another poetic Valentine offering, “The Break Up Poem,” in which they highlight the differences among sonnets, limericks, haiku, beatnik poetry, slam and feminist poetry. Pretty silly.

Since V-day is over, it's all the same podcasting goodness, for half the price!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Two Endings of Note

This week two excellent Podiobooks/audio dramas wrapped up their stories. They have both been mentioned here before, but just incase you were waiting for them to finish to start listening, here is your reminder.

Playing for Keeps by Mur Lafferty

Space Casey by Christiana Ellis

OK. Now you have been reminded. Go, Listen, enjoy.


Oh, Now that I have an open hour a week for something new, I'm taking suggestions.
e-mail me: jt(at)


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kids Bedtime Story Podcast To Be Published In Print

This is pretty cool, from Podcasting News:

Mark Linder, the creator of the Bedtime Stories My Kids Love podcast, has reached an agreement with the newly formed PodShow Press to publish in both audio and print form his first book of bedtime stories, The Adventures of the Man in the Can.

The new work is a collection of stories about a character named The Man in the Can and comes from the Bedtime Stories My Kids Love podcast.

The Man in the Can is one of Bedtime Stories My Kids Love most beloved characters,” says Linder. “The tiny man always seems to find himself in impossible situations and somehow, through his ingenuity, steadfastness and the help of his animal and bird friends, always seems to find a way to persevere.”

The printed version of the book is scheduled for release later this year. The first audio book chapter of the series is available now for listening.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Space Casey Comes to a close.

Well how are you all doing you addicts. This is the WaNDeR Wolf. I thought I would be to your attention the finale of Space Casey has been released. Since I am part of that production crew I will not go into thought on the production - you can find thoughts on a December post...
What I want to tell you about is the Q&A session on Talk Shoe on February 23. Check out for more information.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Looking for a new Story Telling Podcast?

Are you looking for a new podcast that is along the same line as: EscapePod? There is a new podcast available which I've helped a little with called
For being such a new podcast it does indeed sound very professionally done, which isn't by accident as they have acquired the assistance of someone who works in Hollywood to do the sound editing.

Their latest story, The Interview is a rather interesting story commenting on how badly government secrets can hurt, especially when only a few know the truth.

The political commentary done by the young people at the beginning of the story may seem a little out of place for a group of people so young, but after having met them, it is actually their own words.

So if your looking for a new donation supported story podcast to get behind, try out ClonePod.

You can subscribe to them with this RSS feed.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Colonial Radio Theatre Venturing Into SciFi!

Was traveling through the series of tubes this evening and found this goodie posted over on SFF Audio! Then I immediately went to the Colonial Radio Theatre Blog for more! Jerry Robbins writes:

"In all the years we have been producing radio plays at CRT, we have never done science fiction. Even the three productions we have done with Ray Bradbury were not quite sci-fi ... more fantasy I would say.
Well, that will change this summer! I am VERY excited to tell you all that we are going to produce BUCK ALICE AND THE ACTOR-ROBOT. This was a book written by Walter Koenig in 1988. Walter played Pavel Chekov in TV's STAR TREK, as well as in seven of the motion pictures. He also is known for the role of AlfredBester in Babylon 5."

More of Jerry's thoughts HERE! Very exciting news indeed! Knowing the high-quality in all Colonial's other productions, this is sure to be a great listen! Especially with Koenig appearing in it as well!